Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

What does BTS Stand For?

The abbreviation “BTS” Stands for “Braille Tactile Sign” or “Braille Tactile Signs”!

Why do I need to use Braille Tactile Signs?

Using Braille Tactile Signs is essential for ensuring accessibility and inclusivity for those in our community of all abilities. Braille Tactile Signs provide those that are Blind or have Low Vision with the means to navigate and understand their surroundings independently, empowering them in their daily life.

Under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, public and private entities are required to make reasonable adjustments to ensure equal access and participation for individuals with disabilities, which includes the provision of Braille Tactile Signs.

Furthermore, the Australian Standards AS 1428.1 (Design for access and mobility) and AS 1428.4 (Tactile ground surface indicators) provide guidelines and recommendations for accessible building design, including the use of tactile signs.

Last but certainly not least, it makes the world a better place.

Where do I need to put Braille Tactile Signs?

Braille & Tactile Signs are required in all public and commercial buildings, to show all sanitary, accessible entrance and lift facilities & a continuous path of travel from the main entrance to these facilities. Additional signage requirements depend on the building type. An access consultant can help determine what you may require.

If you require assistance by an Access Consultant, we can arrange this for you. Read more about BTS Aust. Wayfinding Consultancy here..

Are 'Braille & Tactile Signs' GST-free? No.

Requirements in subsection 38-45(1) of the GST Act are that the sign must be specifically designed for people with an illness or disability and not widely used by people without an illness or disability. Braille & Tactile signs are designed for and used in public buildings. They are used by any person whether sighted or vision impaired, who enters the building and uses the sign for information (for example location of a toilet). Therefore, the sign is widely used by people without an illness or disability. As such, the supply of the tactile signs does not meet the remaining requirement of subsection 38-45(1) of the GST Act and is not GST-free. (reference ATO ID 2005/79)

Are 'Braille Only Signs’ GST-Free?

If the sign does not comprise any non-Braille component such as words or diagrams for use by the sighted. The sign is installed in public buildings and to provide information purely for the vision impaired as to the location of various areas and amenities inside and outside of the building. (reference subsection 38-45 (1) of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (GST Act) (ATO ID 2005/78)

What is Luminance Contrast?

Luminance contrast is defined in Australian Standard 1428.1-2009 as ‘the light reflected from one surface or component, compared to the light reflected from another surface or component’, however this is commonly misinterpreted as a colour contrast. The surface brightness is measured by its luminous reflectance. Luminance Contrast is a measure of the difference in brightness of two surfaces, resulting in a Luminance Reflectance Value (LRV). Once the (LRV) is identified for each surface or component, you can calculate the Luminance Contrast between the two.Learn more Here…

What are the Statistics?

In Australia:

In Australia it is estimated that there are currently 575,000 people who are Blind or have Low vision and many more have some reduction in the effectiveness of their sight. With more than 70 per cent over the age of 65 according to Vision2020Au.

The Centre for Eye Research Australia, University of Melbourne reports: The rate of blindness is 25 times higher in people aged 70 than in younger people. The number of people in Australia with eye disease will double in the next 25 years as the population ages.

- Out of 8 billion + people, 2.2 billion people globally have a near
or distance vision impairment.
- 285 million people have some form of Vision Impairment.
- 39 million people worldwide are Blind.
- 55% of People with Vision Loss are Women & Girls

- 90% Live in Low-Middle Income Countries

Sources: W.H.O – Vision Australia – Vision2020AU

What are the Leading Causes of Vision or Blindness?

Leading Causes of Low Vision or Blindness:

  • Cataracts
  • Refractive Error
  • Age-related Macular Degeneration & Presbyopia
  • Diabetic Retinopathy 
  • Glaucoma
  • Eye Injury or Trauma

What is the Last Colour You Can See Before You Go Blind?

Yellow is the last colour you can see before you go completely blind. This is why we chose Yellow and Orange for Braille Tactile Signs Aust.’s key branding colours!

How does someone who is blind find Braille & Tactile Signs?

There are many ways that someone who is Blind or has Low Vision could find a Braille Sign and aids to assist them in the process. Although some may be clinically blind or vision impaired, many do have some degree of vision and can locate the position of a Braille Tactile Sign on a wall or surface. This is where Luminance Contrast becomes imperative. By having the required Luminance Contrast between the wall and Sign Face, the difference in Colour and overall Shape can be identified by someone with a low level of vision. The individual can then navigate to the Sign and then read the Braille or Tactile Elements to determine their locations or facilities available. This is also assisted by learnt mobility skills.

For someone who is completely blind, they would generally be assisted to the location of these facilities and then use the Braille to identify and confirm the facility required. In other cases, they can make use of a probing cane, their guide dog can lead them, or they can listen to their Phone GPS that audibly provides turn-by-turn directions from their location through to their target destination. Once they reach the facilities, they then rely on the requirement that public spaces have Wayfinding BTS and can locate it by touching the wall or surface nearest them to confirm their location. This is why complying with the National Construction Code and Australian Standards that outline the size, location, height, material, luminance contrast and position of BTS is so important. It means that those who need them most can easily find them, and it supports independence, dignity, and equality.

Can I have Braille Tactile Signs in Aluminium?

Yes, you can! See our extensive range here…

Does BTS Aust. supply Tactile Ground Surface Indicators (TGSI)'s?

Yes we do have a range of TGSI's for supply including; rubber & ceramic tiles, plastic and stainless steel individual indicators. Click Here

Does BTS Aust. Manufacture and Supply Flat Signs?

Of course! We can provide flat signage, plaques, emblems, engraving and more!

Are 'Braille Strips' or ‘Overlays’ GST Free?

Yes! Braille Strips (also known as overlays) are GST-Free foran existing sign that is in a public building. The Braille overlay is a Braille translation of that existing information which is recorded on a 'Braille skin' that is then laid over the existing sign. (reference subsection 38-45 (1) of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (GST Act) (ATO ID 2005/80)

Am I Limited to Using Only White & Blue on Braille Tactile Signs?

Not at all, you can use any Colours!

Exceptions are that the International Symbol for Accessibility (ISA) & Audio symbols are required to be White on Ultramarine Blue. First Aid, Safety and Emergency Exit Symbols are also recommended to be White on a Green background worldwide as per the International Standards Organisation. See ISO 7010:2019 for more information.

All other symbols and text can be any colour; so long as there is a minimum of 30% luminance contrast between the tactile and the background.