Welcome back for 2019! Even though for some of you it may already seem like a distant memory, we hope you had a truly wonderful break and would again like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and all the best for the months ahead.
2018 was an amazing year for BTS (Aust). We added new members to our team, introduced new products to our already extensive range, and helped some awesome new and existing clients with their various Wayfinding needs.
2019 is looking to be even bigger for us at BTS (Aust)! We’ve got even more products to add to the BTS (Aust) catalogue, plus some exciting new initiatives that you’ll hear about throughout the year. So, when you need to find the perfect Wayfinding signage solution in 2019 (and beyond), give the friendly team at BTS (Aust) a call or jump on our website. We look forward to working with you!