Braille Tactile Signs (Aust) – New Bronze Sponsor ACAA

Braille Tactile Signs (Aust) – New Bronze Sponsor ACAA
Braille Tactile Signs (Aust) are delighted to announce Bonze Sponsorship of the Association of Consultants in Access Australia (ACAA). ACAA is the peak national body for access consultancy in Australia and a major partner in advancing the accessibility of built environments for people with a disability. ACAA provides consistent, current and accurate advice to government, the building industry, and owners and managers of premises and facilities regarding the accessibility of built-environments.
Ms Claudia Z Gatt, CEO of Braille Tactile Signs (Aust) commented, “ACAA does a fantastic job Australia wide, advocating accessibility and inclusion for people living with various accessible needs. Therefore, when the opportunity came up to support this organisation, it really was a ‘must do’ considering the synergies and values BTS (Aust) and the ACAA share”.